Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Some Rifle/Ammo Characteristics & Measuring Tools

These are a few questions I asked Dan and the response I received:

How did you measure the depth of the firing pin strikes? I attached pics to demonstrate, we measured the deepest point of the indent as the pin face is not parallel with the case.

Are there any close up photos that might illustrate the range of strike depths and their location on the rim? Maybe 3 images showing shallow, average, and deep pin indentations? I attached the pics and labeled them accordingly.  The ‘10deepVs20deep’ shows a .010” strike next to a .020” strike.  You can tell the difference between the two with the naked eye, but it takes a significant difference in strike depth to see it with the naked eye.
The different shapes of the 12 & 6 pins:

Did the barrels differ in length, groove count, or land and groove dimensions?
Not sure, but I will ask

What chamber was used in these rifles and is there a difference in the engraving length of the bullet after chambering with different bolts? Both are Calfee rifles, and we did not measure the engraving length

Is there a measurement for bolt face to breech face clearance and firing pin protrusion from the bolt face counterbore for each bolt? No

Is the firing pin fall being stopped consistently in any of the rifles by a firing pin stop? Did not verify that.

Was there a tuner used on both rifles and did you or your friend think one or both rifles were in tune? Tuner was used on both rifles, and the blue rifle also used a J&J Long Slide.  The owner feels the rifles are in tune and both rifles were set just as if he would have been competing in a match.

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